Pillows and Back Pain

According to the American Chiropractic Association, more than 31 million Americans currently experience back pain and at least 80% of the population will have to endure this condition at some point in their lives.

If you’ve ever suffered from this affliction, you know how hard it can be to carry on with your daily activities. Chronic back pain affects your mobility to the point that it can be hard to simply walk, bend down, or even sit properly.

Part of the reason why back pain is so difficult to manage is because this part of our body has an intersection of several muscles, joints, bones and ligaments. It’s caused by poor posture, weak muscles, obesity, and genetic factors. Others like trauma and stress can also play a role, which makes diagnosing and treating it even more problematic.

Back pain has a negative impact on the quality of our sleep, too. It can be very hard to relax and put our body and mind at rest. And if we don’t get enough sleep, it simply aggravates the condition even further.

Pillows are one potential solution. That’s because they provide support to your spine, which otherwise can become stressed. Pillows and pillow inserts make sleeping and sitting far easier for your back, alleviating some of the underlying conditions and help your back in making a full recovery.

Neck Pillows

It’s absolutely vital to have a comfortable neck pillow for when you go to sleep. That’s because there’s some space between your neck and the mattress as you lie down. Your spine will suffer if it isn’t provided support, leading to misalignment and further back pain. Neck pillows, also referred to as orthopedic or cervical pillows, give you the necessary cushion.

Lower Back Pillows

Ever felt pain in your lower back as a result of slouching at your desk for hours on end? That’s because of poor posture and limited movement. Lower back pillows give you lumbar support and help keep your lower back in one, upright position. This prevents slouching or curved spines — which, otherwise, would add to the strain on your spine and aggravate any existing back pain.

Back pain isn’t an easy condition to live with or treat. That’s part of the reason why Americans spend over $50 billion each year just on lower back pain remedies. People suffering from back pain regularly miss work or take time off for doctor visits and surgeries. But a cost-effective solution could be in plain sight: relying on an effective pillow to help you sleep better at night and provide the necessary spinal support.

13. May 2019 by gregorykbaker@outlook.com
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